Our Quality

iSAT ™ complies with the best corporate governance practices and functions on the transparent management systems of SAP. iSAT ™ also complies with the TQM ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 & OHSAS18001:2007. iSAT ™ has also been assessed by the S&P’s CRISIL for the financial risk factor as 2SEB (Moderate financial strength and high performance capability).

We are socially responsible company and are committed to:

Improve customer satisfaction by supplying excellent quality products, and services at the competitive prices with on-
    time product delivery.

Prevent pollution through control of resource use and releases and will ensure that there is least impact on the
    environment during the execution of our services.

Provide health & safe work place free from injury and ill health to all our associates.
Comply with all relevant statutory, regulatory and other requirements related to quality, environment, health & safety.

Make continual improvement in our quality, environmental, health & safety performance through optimization of processes. This  shall
    be achieved with the involvement of all the employees and periodic review by the management.




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